Contact Information

Contact information for CASP


Phone: 206.228.0509


The Center for the Study of Cannabis and Social Policy
315 N 36th Street St. #301
Seattle WA 98103


12 thoughts to “Contact Information”

  1. Hi,

    Would you be interested in discussing about the updated database of Cannabis & Business industry?

    We are B2B contact provider. Would you be interested in reaching out to contacts who might be looking for your services and products?

    Database includes complete contact details and verified email addresses of all top key decision makers (such as: Owners/Founders, Senior-level VPs and directors, CIOs/CEOs/CTOs, Managers and many more for your reference) from Accounting & bookkeeping firms, Consulting services, Delivery services, Dispensaries, Edibles producers, Federal/state and local governments, Grow sites/facilities, Hemp producers/distributors, Infused products producers, Law enforcement, Legal services, Licensed retail stores, Hospitals/clinics and other healthcare facilitie, Private equity forms, Regulatory enforcement agencies, Security/safety services, Smokeshops/Headshops and many more.

    Kindly let me know your target criteria:

    Target Industry :
    Target Geography :
    Target Job Title :

    Look forward for your response.

    Kevin Daniels
    Marketing Manager

  2. Wow, impressive. I have come across two links to your site today am I really impressed. I was going to contact you later in the day when I got home, but after coming across another link to your site I couldn’t wait.

    I would like to schedule a time to talk with you. Would you have some time next week?

    Darran Bruce

  3. I just found your site. My associates and I are in the process of getting our licence to produce.
    Your information is very helpful thanks


  4. This past Sat. I pulled my back out of whack and it still hurts badly. Yet instead of pumping Advil every 2 hours to help with the inflammation, I take Advil every 6-8 hours and literally smoke a little bowl of Marijuana instead, maybe a few puffs once every 3 hours and Yes within 5 minutes the pain begins to soften and decrease.

    When it starts up again, I just take a couple puffs off of that same bowlful and again the pain softens and decreases if only slightly. But then again some relief is better than none. IF I took Advil every 2-3 hours I would get sick and being nauseas with a hurting back could not be fun but quite painful!
    In fact I am grateful to Marijuana as it does take some of the pain away while decreasing the inflammation!

  5. We are a holistic practice located in Tacoma that offers cannabis and other herbal remedies of East Asia. We are delighted to have found an advocate for the people and the true cause. The events that are unfolding will be the demise of our industry and livelihood. Please keep us informed and we will look forward to a contribution from ourselves and our collective member’s in the near future. We need a band of likeminded to pull together and come to a beneficial agreement for all. Thank you for the campaigning The Cause for The PEOPLE.

  6. Hi,

    I am involved in a start-up processing company called Prohibition Gold that will be branding marijuana edibles. Unfortunately we have an ideal facility leased in Kent which of course is off limits for now. I discovered your organization today through a P.I. article and I would like to applaud your efforts and pledge our support in the near future (we are in the process of forming our company structure now). In the mean time I would be interested in following any up-dates. The Seattle Grange Project is of special interest. I hope this plan is still on track as it’s much needed and may be a good fit for our company.



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